Converting ESRI Shapefiles to CSVs using QGIS

Programming QGIS

So I’ve been trying to export the data from the AMSA (the digital data from which contains about 1 million data points per month). And I found a way to export the shapefile’s data to a CSV file :D!

  1. Install QGIS from Kyngchaos for Mac users!!
  2. Drag the “.shp” and drop it into the “Layers” panel on the left hand panel
  3. Click on the layer and then on the menu item, and select Layers –> Save As
  4. Select “Comma Separated Values”, and select a file to save to. It might probably pay to check which projection you’re saving it to, but I found it’s smart enough to use the same projection the source file uses.
  5. Click OK.


Anthony - Jan 5, 2014

I’m glad you are glad :-)!

I’m glad I found out you know how to do this!